I am 50 years old and have been a type 1 diabetic for 48 of those years. So I know nothing else.
As well as my diabetes, I am coeliac, underactive thyroid and asthmatic. None of these issues, including diabetes, has not stopped me doing anything with my life. I have done more than many ‘normal’ friends have done with their own lives.
I have travelled back packing around Europe in my 20s, I have two university degrees, and have a husband and two kids, now both in their late teens.
I had no issues falling pregnant, or within the pregnancy itself. Both deliveries were caesareans, due to positioning of my babies, one breech and the others head was not in correct position. They are both very active healthy kids with no health problems at all.
It is so much easier now. When I was first diagnosed my mum had to sterilise needles in a saucepan of boiling water and there was no blood glucose testing, only urine testing which was hours behind. With her careful monitoring though I have no issues related to my diabetes (other than a minor eye issue which was resolved after my first child was born). You can do it too!
I am willing to be contacted by anyone male or female, especially those of young newly diagnosed kids if they want a personal perspective on the disease.
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Sonia Alcorm